It's hardly been that. So far, this has been a wet, cold and miserable June. As we were looking for a short break we decided to take Sam the dog for a holiday to Scarborough on the East Coast. Normally I love going there, however, we needed our thermals, hats, gloves and general winter wear. And, this was June 1st!
Happily Sam thoroughly enjoyed his long walks and playtime on the beach, even if we felt it was more like January than June.
Scarborough is two resorts in one. On the South Bay, there is the old town, harbour and castle. All interesting and full of life. The castle has over three thousand years of history and well worth a visit. There is only one way to travel at South Bay and that is the old funicular tram up and down the steep cliffs
The North Bay is the quieter side with the lovely Peasholm Park and Northstead Manor Gardens. However, this time I didn't take any photos of there as the weather was so wild.
Resolution, the novel, is still in the deep editing phase, although there is light at the end of the tunnel and I hope to be writing The End, very soon.
Meanwhile I am also involved in reading and judging short stories for a competition run by HysteriaUK, run by the Hysterectomy Society. No, you don't need to have undergone that operation or to be a woman to enter. The competition is open until August 31st, so if you fancy having a go, please do. There are three categories: short stories; flash fiction and poetry. I notice one of the blogs I follow, that of the prolific writer Simon Whaley, is giving useful advice on his blog about writing for competitions. There is a link to his blog on my sidebar. Please go and have a look.